Tips for House Painting Without Dripping…
Explaining the tricks of perfect wall painting to the consumer who wants to paint their house personally this summer, ONE Paint experts underline that painting a perfect wall is not as difficult as it seems, but on the contrary, it is a lot of fun.
First prepare your room for application
When painting, not only the walls are affected. Sockets, switches, carpets, furniture. First, you should remove carpets and rugs. To protect the floor, you can lay a protective nylon cover or use old covers.
It is a good idea to take your furniture out of the room so that you can paint the walls and move easily. If there is not enough space, you can collect the furniture in the middle of the room and cover them with a protective cover. In the last row are sockets, switches and baseboards.
It is a very practical method to protect such places that you do not want to be painted by covering them with masking tape. To start the perfect wall painting process, you must first arrange the area you will be working in.
Preparation is essential for perfect wall painting
For those who say “how to paint smooth”, the trick of smooth walls is to prepare the walls for paint and prime them. So what are the stages?
— For easy wall painting, first of all, it should be checked whether the wall to be painted is ready for paint.
— If there is a problem caused by insulation, such as mold and dampness on the wall, that problem should be resolved.
— Putty repairs can be made after cleaning the swelled and spilled weak spots on the surface to be painted. — After the wall is putty, its surface should be smoothed with sandpaper. Then, the lining process can be started.
— Priming should be done as it allows the paint to hold better and last longer.
How to make a perfect nap?
The most fun part of the job is painting the walls. If you take a nap after priming the walls of the room you will paint, your walls will look magnificent. You will have smooth and flawless walls. If you have painted the ceiling and walls in two different colors and you want perfect wall painting, you need to make a perfect shortcut.
So how do you make a shortcut? If you want to make a shortcut for a vertical area, we recommend that you start painting from the point where the corners meet. Paint in a single downward stroke along the wall. When you paint this way, the paint glides over the brush and creates a smooth surface on the wall.
If you are applying a shortcut for a horizontal area, this time you move the shortcut brush in horizontal stripes. Don’t let your hands shake while taking a nap and use soft brush strokes. After making a shortcut, you can paint the walls in the color of your choice. Another way to get the perfect wall painting is a good shortcut.
There are tricks to paint without leaving a trace
If you take a nap before you start painting, you will prevent the paint from leaving any traces. If you paint wide areas with a roller before the cut-outs dry, you will prevent the paint from leaving any marks. If you do not want the paint to leave marks, we recommend that you apply the roller vertically and by drawing straight lines. Another way to prevent the paint from leaving marks is to paint in one go before the paint dries. One of the perfect ways to paint a wall is to leave no traces.
Is it possible to paint without dripping?
— In order to paint without dripping, the paint must be thinned at the right rate. You can thin the paint with water by applying the thinning rates written on the paint bucket.
— In order for the paint not to drip from the brush, after dipping the brush into the paint, you should pull the brush from the edge of the container into the inside to release the excess paint.
— If you are painting with a roller, you can leave the rest of the paint back in the bowl when you shake the roller lightly into the container after dipping it into the paint.
— If you don’t want the roller to drip paint, if you clean the paint accumulated on the edge of the roller frequently, you will prevent the paint from dripping.